The third volume will begin to be prepared when - we all hope that as soon as possible - the pandemic has passed, in order to explain to readers of now and of the future how it has been before, during and after one of the greatest catastrophes of our time. The WGI is already working on the second book that will deal with the influence of the coronavirus in the sector from an international perspective. The Report 2020, subtitled as «A Gastronomic Planet» is the first volume of a trilogy that compiles articles on different gastronomic topics written before the appearance of COVID 19. Introducción Referirnos a la historia de la gastronomía o alimentación revela la estrecha relación de ésta con la evolución del hombre en su procesode civilización. The content reflects different cultural and technical aspects from disciplines as diverse and complementary as Anthropology, Tourism, Technology, Heritage, Marketing, Education, Institutional, Hospitality or Culinary Arts. La primera etapa abarca desde la prehistoria hasta los pueblos de la antigüedad, Mesopotamia, Egipto, Persia, China y la Grecia clásica. The book offers essential keys about food and its relationship with people. View from HISTORY 456575687 at Technological University of Mexico. Obra que estudia la historia de la gastronomía desde cuatro grandes categorías históricas: la edad antigua, la edad media, la edad moderna y la edad contemporánea. INTRODUCCION A LA GASTRONOMIA ANTECEDENTES HISTORICOS: La historia de la ALIMENTACION puede analizarse desde el mismo momento de la aparicin del hombre en la Tierra, su forma de ALIMENTARSE en las diferentes etapas de su evolucin. The «WGI Global Report 2020 - A Gastronomic Planet» is a documentary work written by agro-food experts from all corners of the globe, composing a global vision of the sector in the world.